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Sunday, August 7, 2011

How To Make A Good Profit In A Day With Adsense

Make A Good Profit With Adsense.The method My Friend used to do this is the same method He Has been using for a long while now and it has resulted in some awesome Adsense earnings days, on occasion well over $200. The question is how do I achieve that?
100 dollar day with adsense
I’ve written a lot on this blog about the methods I use to increase my Adsense revenue, most of it is about ad colouring and positions. How to get more traffic etc What I (and most blog owners) have never done though is explain the INS and OUTS of HOW I make that money.

I’m not going to kid you and say that I’m an Adsense heavyweight or an expert. No way am I. I’ve just used Adsense as a tool to enable me to work from home full time. In fact it was the packing in of my job that gave me the time to experiment with Adsense fully and find the “secret” that allows me to make $100+ a day with Adsense. The method I’ll explain doesn’t require any extra money on your behalf. You won’t need to buy traffic or buy anything for that matter. It simply uses Google’s own data to allow you to get the traffic you need to start raking in some serious Adsense cash. It’s all white hat legit. It’s simply about getting targeted traffic.
The other thing I’m not going to say is that this is guaranteed money each and every day, because it’s not. Some days it’s only $30, other days it’s $200. It all depends on xxxxxxxx! There is also a little bit of work involved, an hour or 2 a day anyway. This is probably the main stumbling block on why I don’t hit 3 figures every day. A combination of xxxxxx and me being lazy. The great news is that even though it’s not guaranteed as long as you stick to it even your bad days will gradually get better.
So why would I put my own earnings at risk by explaining the method I use? The simple answer is that I no longer rely that much on Adsense. In the past month or so I’ve really started to hit it off with affiliate products. I see making money online as a ladder. You start of with some simple PTC-PTS stuff, you then move on to your own content and some context sensitive ads. From here it’s selling your own ad space before progressing to making some serious cash as an affiliate. The final step on the ladder as I see it is creating your own products and using an army of affiliates to sell them for you. In the last month I’ve moved up a few rungs to a point where affiliate sales are my main earner now. There aren’t that many days when I can be bothered to put in the effort to ramp it up on the Adsense front, I only did it yesterday so I had an example to post here!
Another driving force behind sharing this information is that I’d like to increase my subscribership. The best way to do that is to give people an incentive to subscribe and generally that means giving something useful away. I can’t think of anything more useful than the techniques I’ve used to make serious cash with Adsense.

How to Find Out The Read & Write Speed of USB Flash Drives/Hard Drives Correctly

usb+speed+test How to Find Out The Read & Write Speed of USB Flash Drives/Hard Drives CorrectlyPortability, accessibility, affordability and portability have contributed to the wide use of USB Flash Drives as a storage medium now. Most of us today own a USB Flash Drives. The storage capacity is not the prime factor for a USB Flash Drives to consider it to be good. There are many other factors such as durability, price and Performance that comes into account. Among this three the Performance comes first because performance is related with time eg. if we choose two USB Flash Drives a 4 GB and 16 GB. The 16 GB Flash Drive will be always behind the 4 GB Flash Drive when it comes to performance in most cases. So our job gets done quickly with the 4 GB Flash Drive. Here i will tell how to Test/Find out the Read and Write Speed of any USB Flash Drive easily and accurately.

Most of the people analyze the potential of a USB Flash Drive just by seeing its design and price. But this is wrong as some Flash Drives will be really slow. So we must be able to choose the correct USB Flash Drive which performs really well and give good bang for the buck.

How to Test/Find out the Read and Write Speed of any USB Flash Drive/Hard Drives

USBDeview is a nice software that will help to Test/find out the Speed of your USB Flash Drives. USBDeview was meant for finding out which all USB drives are used on a computer. The speed testing feature comes with it.

The software comes with a very simple interface and is easy to use for beginners too. When you run the software it will list all the USB devices connected to your computer.
To Test/Find out the Read and Write Speed of any USB Flash Drive just right click on the required flash drive from the shown list and select Speed Test.
How USBDeview to Test/Check the Read and Write Speed of USB Flash Drive/Hard Drives
usb+speed+test How to Find Out The Read & Write Speed of USB Flash Drives/Hard Drives Correctly
USBDeview checks the read/ write speed of the USB drives by sequential read and write operations because the drive shows the maximum speed when copying a single file than copying multiple files of same size. For eg. Copying a 2 GB single file is much faster than copying a lot of files with all together make 2 GB and generlly this is the case with almost all storage devices.
After the speed of your USB device is recorded by USBDeview an option will be displayed called “Publish Test Result “. Clicking this will submit your Read/Write Speed of your USB device with their records which have information submitted by various users of USBDeview. So you can easily compare your device with other USB devices too. USBDeview is free, portable and small in size about (59.13 kb).

“Talk” to “Google talk bots” – add few useful Google talk bots in your gtalk list

Gtalk client is one of the simplest and coolest chat client which is used with a Google account to talk with buddies of your list. Gtalk chat client is actually a Jabber/XMPP protocol based chat client which supports a variety of chat bots.
gtalk bots
These “bots” are like virtual human being who are 24×7 online to respond to your questions or requests. You can add these “chat bots” in your chat list and can “Talk” with them as you do with your friends. Some of the interesting and useful Gtalk bots are listed below :
This Talk-bot is a helpful translator which can be used to translate your text from one language to another. All you need to do is to add the correct bot of your need in your gtalk list, e.g. for English to Hindi translation add, en2hi@bot.talk.google.com in your Talk list and you’ll have a ready-to-go translation service in your chat list. After adding the bot, for a translation request, you just need to type any English word and hit “enter” – bot will reply back with the translated text! Wooo, cool – hunh ?
A full list of translation bots for different languages can be found here.
Have you ever wondered how to get answer of a question which a Search Engine can never help with ? Try finding answers of these questions in a Search Engine :
Which coffee shop is the best one in Delhi to get some “hot coffee” on a night-out ? What is the shortest traffic-free route from the Airport to the Railway station? I want to give my girl-friend something as her birthday gift that lasts, but someone already has given her jewelry – What else could I give her which should be “special” to her ?
Ooops, no search engine can help with this,right ? This is where we say, “A computer system can never be as intelligent as a human being”. Sign up for an Aardvark network , add the aardvark bot client ( will be given to you after sign up ) and ask a question. This bot will compute “tags” based on its algorithms and will send the question to the right person and you will be answered shortly. Yeah, you’ll be answered by a Human being – All Aardvark does for you is to find the right person who can answer you! You may also receive questions based on the topics you like. I’m already there in the n/w! ;)
This is an “all-in-one” bot which can be used with different social networks and blogs supported by it including status updates on Facebook, Myspace, blog posts on Blogger, WordPress with loads of fun features. And all this can work from the IM client, so sign up for Ping.fm and it’s chat bot and get started! :)
Are you one of them who keep on changing their computer system and feel lazy to carry a ” notepad” or “scratch-book” , which is very much important for storing “scratches” ? Want to store your “notes” some where? Here is a bot talk@mayafile.com which will do this for you! Store from anywhere, access from anywhere – just store & search! ;)
You can use it to store notes that you can search for later. Type “store ” to store & “find ” to search! You can use it a calculator as well as for fetching definition from Wikipedia. Just type “help” ( without quotes ) to see list of task that can be done using this bot! ;)
You must be knowing how to send free SMS from internet ? SMSGupShup is one of the best site for sending free SMS from internet but almost no one, like me, uses it to send SMS because of the two reasons – Firstly, SMS packs offered by service providers and secondly feeling lazy to log in to the website to send SMS even if it’s free! Here is a chat-bot for lazy jerks, like me, which can help you send SMS using Google Talk. Just add webaroosms@gmail.com in your chat list. Same is way2sms.bot@gmail.com for sending SMS for Way2SMS users. If you aren’t already using SMSGupShup or Way2SMS, sign up for an a/c by visiting their site and have fun!
6. googlesms@bot.im :
Get cricket scores, Indian Railways train schedules & ticket status, flight inquiry, horoscopes, movie showtimes, restaurant information through your chat bout. Just enter your query that works with Google SMS and bot will respond back with the information. A sample query is, “Train Delhi to Agra” ( without quotes ) and the bot will list all available trains from Delhi to Agra with an option to check their schedule too! For a complete list of queries, refer this.
7. inezhabot@gmail.com :
It is an RSS reader. all you need to do is to type in the name of the website whose updates are required and within no time it sends the updates. Just type www.tabish.co.in and check ;)
8. math@bot.im :
This is your math bot which will do math calculations for you. Type “log10(100)” ( without quotes ) and you’ll get an answer, 2 – cool, hunh ? Type “help” for a complete list of available functions or refer this.
9. sbot@bot.im :
All in one google, yahoo, bing and twitter search. Just type ”g Search Term” for Google Search,e.g. “g tabish tech portal” to search this site in Google! You can use b for Bing, y for Yahoo!, w for Wikipedia & t for Twitter search.
10. cricket@ibnalerts.com :
Get Instant cricket and sport alerts from IBN Live. Type “help” to get a list of commands you can use with this bot.
11. im@ibnalerts.com :
Get latest News from IBN Live. Type “help” ( without quotes ) to get a list of keywords that can be used, e.g. “top” will give you the list of all top stories on IBN Live!
12. jobs@chat.naukri.com :
Search jobs through your Gtalk . Check this link to know how to use this bot! You can also try “help” keyword to get some idea about it.
13. Gtalk Chat Room Bot :
This is the most interesting Gtalk Bot I could find for Gtalk. Google Talk doesn’t support a chat room where you can chat with your friends, family, co-workers. But, PartyChapp is a Gtalk bot that creates a chat room where you can add your friends, co-workers and family and discuss with them about some project, a trip arrangement or for a night-out plan! This bot is very cool and interesting but it would take somewhat “longer post” to give you a full insight on how to use it. Wait for my next separate article ! ;)
Quick Tip : If you don’t know how to use a particular bot, add it in your Google Talk list and then type “help” ( without quotes ) to see how it works. If you are interested in developing your own IM-Bot, check this link and also share your bots if you develop any bot on your own !

Automatic Thumbnail and Read More Function for Blogger

Read more function is used to cut our post on homepage, post will appear fully when we click read more link. It's cut automatically and if we insert image, it appears thumbnail.
This is automatic read more function with thumbnail. We just need to set up our HTML code.

Follow steps:
1. Go to "Layout" click "Edit HTML"
2. Tick on "Expand Widget Templates"
3. Find this code
4. Replace with this code below

Read more

5. Save / Check your blog

clarification code above:
summary_noimg = 430; is post cut height without image
summary_img = 340; is post cut height with image
img_thumb_height = 100; is thumbnail image height
img_thumb_width = 120; is thumbnail image width

- If you need help to install it or to customize it, just leave a comment.

How to get paid iPhone/iPod/iPad Touch apps for free

iphone apps free How to get paid iPhone/iPod/iPad Touch apps for free
There are many legal ways to get paid apps from the Appstore. But patience is a must for some of these ways. A jailbroken iPhone/iPod Touch is not needed to get the apps. Here are a few ways by which you can get paid apps for free.
#1) FuelMyApp helps you to get paid apps for free inreturn of a review for it. You are first required to buy the app buy yourself then give it a review within 72 hours of purchase. then you will receive a refund via Paypal. But there is speculation that positive review are only getting refunds.
fuel my app How to get paid iPhone/iPod/iPad Touch apps for free
>Giveaways can be found in many place such as AppSafari.com where paid apps are given away every day. Promo codes which are updated every few days are there for all apps.
iphone ipad app give away How to get paid iPhone/iPod/iPad Touch apps for free
Other sites such as OpenFeint.com
iphone ipad games for free How to get paid iPhone/iPod/iPad Touch apps for free
and FreeAppADay.com also provide paid apps free of cost but only 1 app is available per day.
#2) FreeAppAlert updates you with all the latest Free Apps on Appstore. (Some of these apps don’t usually stay free for long)You can even get daily emails on Free Apps with links to view the app on the Appstore or FreeAppAlert.com
free app alert for iphone ipod How to get paid iPhone/iPod/iPad Touch apps for free
#3)AppMiner is a free app that lists all free apps and Apps with changed prices. From your iPhone/iPod Touch you can select apps from it which launches the AppStore. An interesting feature is that you can add apps to your watchlist and then get notifications on price changes.
app mine free apps for iphone How to get paid iPhone/iPod/iPad Touch apps for free
#4) Appshopper lists price variations in paid apps and notifies you when there are price changes in apps in your wishlist if you signup for a free account. You can even list only the popular apps instead of searching for a long time through Apps which are not popular.
paid iphone apps for free How to get paid iPhone/iPod/iPad Touch apps for free
All apps are with the information about it which you would normally get in the Appstore. Similar services are provided by Apptism and 148Apps.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sony PlayStation 2 Review

DVD, DVD-RStill holding its own in terms of graphics and performance compared to the Xbox and GameCube, the PS2 is the undisputed winner in the most important of categories--library of games. There are hundreds of titles available for the PS2--thousands if you include all the PlayStation One games that the machine can handle.

Now Sony?s introduced a new slimmer version of the PlayStation 2 to get a few more miles out of the aging console until the next generation comes out. In addition to being one-third as thick and half as heavy (you can easily slide the slim PS2 into most any nook or cranny on your entertainment center), the slim PS2 also includes an integrated Ethernet port.

Of course, some sacrifices had to be made to get the slim PS2 down to size. There?s no hard drive bay, and there are only two controller ports (the Multi-Tap accessory for the original PS2 won?t fit). The new slim PS2 is a great option if you?re considering pimping your ride and adding a game console to your car or if you carry your PS2 around with you often.

Backward compatibility with the original PlayStation games is a big reason for Sony users to stick with the PS2. The PS2 uses the original PlayStation?s CPU as its I/O processor. We played about a half-dozen PlayStation games on the PS2, and all played and looked pretty much the same as they did on our original PlayStation, though several seemed to be a bit more responsive on the PS2.

The PlayStation 2 can use older PlayStation memory cards, but they work only with older PlayStation games. New cards are available that work with the PS2's new memory format. The dual-shock controller also serves to control DVD playback--the drive in the PS2 handles standard DVD movies as well as games. Sony has built a lot of functionality into the PS2.

There?s a bay for a hard disk drive (no hard drive bay in the slim version) and two USB ports for connectivity. The PS2 is the most dated of the big three consoles, but it?s still a terrific piece of equipment and a Best Buy.

Pro: Beautiful graphics; DVD drive plays standard DVD movies as well as games; can run older PlayStation games.
Cons: Slim version doesn?t have room for hard drive.

Sony Computer Entertainment America
919 East Hillsdale Blvd.
Foster, City CA 94404

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